“As an intern at RedR India I was involved in Hygiene Promotion and Documentation …”

“As an intern at RedR India I was involved in Hygiene Promotion and Documentation within the ‘Maharashtra WASH Flood Recovery’ Project. Undertaking this internship with RedR India, I took a part in facilitating sessions with the Hygiene Promotion specialists on effective and safe hand washing, discouraged unsafe practices such as open-air defecation, and instilled in students the importance of a healthy daily routine, both during and beyond school hours. I also worked with the project team on documentation of case studies and project reporting on WASH activities. The most compelling factor about RedR India’s approach to learning is that they always opt for engaging, involving diverse learning styles that give students agency during and after the sessions. I learnt the importance of active over passive learning, and the impact creativity can have in these spaces too. RedR India, and the relations that I have forged through this internship, will definitely carry me forward in my career.”
Kirsty McKellar – Intern
Flood Public Health Recovery and Restoration Project
Kolhapur District.

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